JURNAL KEPERAWATAN RAFLESIA 2024-02-26T16:02:26+07:00 Yossy Utario Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Keperawatan Raflesia</strong>&nbsp;merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang berisi tulisan hasil penelitian dari bidang Ilmu Keperawatan, seperti keperawatan dasar, keperawatan medikal bedah, keperawatan kritis dan gawat darurat, keperawatan maternitas, keperawatan&nbsp; anak, keperawatan&nbsp; jiwa, keperawatan&nbsp; komunitas, keperawatan keluarga, keperawatan gerontik, dan bidang keperawatan lainnya. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu dan dikelola oleh Prodi Keperawatan Curup Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu. Terbit secara periodik, dua kali setiap tahun pada bulan Mei dan November.&nbsp;</p> Pengaruh Isometric Handgrip Exercize Dan Terapi Nafas Dalam Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Lansia Hipertensi 2023-11-30T21:52:26+07:00 Patresia Noni Bata Bani <p><em>One of the non-communicable diseases that causes 71 percent of deaths globally, according to a report by The World Health Organization (WHO), is hypertension.. For the treatment of hypertension, there are both pharmaceutical and non-pharmacological options. There are a few non-pharmacological treatment options, including deep breathing exercises and isometric handgrip therapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of deep breathing exercises and isometric handgrip exercises in lowering blood pressure in elderly hypertensive patients in the Sokodadi District, Paiton, Probolinggo. This type of research is pre-experimental with a one-group pre-post design. The population of elderly people with hypertension in Sokodadi Village, as many as 42 respondents, determined the sample using a purposive sampling technique that fit the criteria of 38 respondents. The instrument used is the Isometric handgrip exercise module and deep breathing therapy. This study was analyzed with the Wilcoxon test. The study's findings demonstrated that the typical blood pressure before therapy was 157/97.4 mmHg, and the blood pressure value after therapy was 146.3/89.7 mmHg. According to the analysis test's Wilcoxon results, deep breathing exercises and therapy for hypertensive elderly people in Sokodadi district had a positive impact on lowering blood pressure. (p-value = 0.000 &lt; α = 0.05). In elderly hypertensive patients, isometric handgrip exercise and deep breathing therapy can lower blood pressure.</em></p> 2023-11-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Evaluasi Kualitas Dokumentasi Asuhan Keperawatan Metode NNN (Nanda, NOC dan NIC) pada Keperawatan Neonatus: Studi Deskriptif Observasional Dokumentasi Mahasiswa Ners 2023-11-30T21:53:18+07:00 Sholihatul Amaliya Nurona Azizah Septi Dewi Rachmawati Rinik Eko Kapti Alvin Fitri Hendika Nindy Claudia Abrianti <p><em>Quality of nursing care documentation is important for building effective communication between nurses and other health professionals and is also related to the quality of nursing care intervention. However, research that examines the quality of nursing care, especially in the nursing care documentation of prospective nurses (nursing student) has not been carried out. This study aims to assess the quality of nursing care documentation from nursing students in the neonatal nursing area. This study used a descriptive observational research design with a cross-sectional approach from secondary data from 40 nursing care documentations of students at the learning stage of the Nurse profession program by purposive sampling. The criteria used were documentation of care from infants aged 0 days to 28 days and treated in the perinatology room during the student practice period with the exclusion criteria of incompletely nursing documentation. The quality of nursing care documentation was assessed by Q-DIO modified observation sheet. The results showed that the outcomes of nursing care had the highest score followed nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions (93.75; 86.7; and 81.25). The conclusion of this study is that the of nursing intervention gets the lowest score compared to nursing diagnoses and outcomes, therefore, in the learning process of the Nurse profession program it is necessary to emphasize holistic and comprehensive nursing interventions. Further research can be carried out on nursing care documentation using the 3S method (SDKI, SLKI and SIKI)</em></p> 2023-11-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Ansietas dan Kualitas Tidur Lanjut Usia 2023-12-01T00:27:55+07:00 Sri Mulyani <p><em>Sleep</em><em> disorders in the elderly continue to increase. About 50% of the elderly complain of difficulty sleeping. One of the causes is anxiety. Deterioration of mental condition in the elderly is the most visible result of lack of sleep. To improve the quality of sleep of the elderly can be done by controlling the time of elderly naps, light exercise, and relaxation therapy. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between anxiety and sleep quality of the elderly in the work area of UPTD Muara Kumpeh Health Center. The independent variable is anxiety and the dependent variable is sleep quality. The research location is in the working area of UPTD Muara Kumpeh Health Center, starting from September 2022-April 2023. There were 106 samples using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling method. The data collection instruments used were the ZSAS (Zung-Self Anxiety Rate Scale) questionnaire and the PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) questionnaire using the Kendall tau statistical test. There was a statistically significant relationship between anxiety and sleep quality of the elderly with a value of p = 0.000 (p &lt; 0.05). The role of puskesmas officers in providing health promotion such as providing motivation and encouragement, as well as teaching relaxation therapy is needed to overcome anxiety and improve the quality of sleep of the elderly</em><em>.</em></p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Hubungan Spiritual Well-Being dengan Burnout Pada Perawat 2024-02-26T16:01:39+07:00 Innazza Nur Alifiya Indri Heri Susanti Murniati Murniati <p><em>Nursing is a profession that is prone to burnout. </em><em>One that influences burnout is spiritual. Spiritual emptiness will cause individuals to feel various negative emotions, such as emptiness in life, easy to give up and complain when experiencing problems. </em><em>The study aim</em><em>s to</em><em> determine the relationship between spiritual well-being and burnout among nurses at RSUD Dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. This research method is correlated with cross-sectional approach. Respondents in the study were 119 inpatient nurses who were taken by total sampling technique. Data were collected using the Spirituality Well-Being Scale (SWBS) questionnaire and The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS) questionnaire. Data analysis showed that the spiritual well-being level of nurses was dominated by the high category of 117 respondents (98.3%). The majority of nurses experienced low level of burnout (95%). The results of the study showed that there was a moderate relationship between spiritual well-being and burnout among nurses at RSUD Dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. Correlation test results obtained a p-value of&nbsp; 0.000 and a Rho value of -0.567, then the higher the spiritual level of well-being, the lower the level of burnout. Therefore, high spiritual well-being can prevent burnout in nurses.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-11-28T12:58:32+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Edukasi Kesehatan Berbasis Booklet Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Kepatuhan Pengobatan pada Klien Hipertensi 2023-11-30T23:46:00+07:00 Yusniarita Yusniarita Aprilia Khoirul Munawaroh Sarka Ade Susana <p><em>Chronic hypertension is increasing by 29% worldwide. Hypertension is a silent killer that causes complications in other body organs. The impact that occurs on clients if they do not regularly take blood pressure medication becomes uncontrolled and increases the death rate in Indonesia. The prevention and control strategies provided increased understanding and adherence to taking medication with booklet-based health education. The aim of the research is to analyze the effect of booklet-based health education on knowledge and treatment compliance in hypertensive clients. The research design was a quasi-experimental two-group pretest-posttest with a control group design. The population consisted of 158 clients; the sample consisted of 50 respondents in the intervention group and 50 respondents in the control group. The intervention group was given health education using booklet media. Data were collected using the knowledge questionnaire and the medication adherence questionnaire using the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8).</em> <em>Data analysis using the Mann-Whitney test because the data is not normally distributed</em><em>. </em><em>There is an influence of booklet-based health education on knowledge and treatment compliance in hypertensive clients.</em></p> 2023-11-27T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Hubungan Gaya Hidup dengan Kejadian Premenstrual Syndrome pada Mahasiswi Jurusan Keperawatan 2023-11-30T23:59:35+07:00 shania ghina sabila <p><em>Women will experience their first menstruation which is called menarche. One of the problems that women of childbearing age often experience is complaints during the menstrual period, known as Premenstrual Syndrome. Female students are a group of women of childbearing age, and are also not free from this complaint. Many factors cause Premenstrual Syndrome, one of which is lifestyle. There are still some who live lifestyles that are not good for nursing students, but there is no possibility of living a good lifestyle.</em> <em>The objective of this study was</em><em> to identify the relationship between lifestyle and the incidence of premenstrual syndrome in nursing students.</em> <em>This study used c</em><em>orrelational quantitative descriptive research with a cross sectional approach. A sample of 160 people using the Slovin formula was taken using a consecutive sampling technique and data using the sPAF and lifestyle questionnaire were collected via Google Form which was then processed using the Spearman Rank test with the inclusion criteria of students from the Nursing Department of the Undergraduate Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University class of 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 as well as those who have reached menarche. Exclusion criteria were not being willing to be a respondent and female students having reproductive organ disease.</em> <em>Most nursing students experience a normal age of menarche and experience a normal menstrual cycle. The lifestyle of nursing students is not good, and most of the cases of Premenstrual Syndrome are asymptomatic to mild. The results of the Spearman rank analysis test obtained a significance value of p=0.498 (p&lt;0.05). </em><em>There is no relationship between lifestyle and the incidence of premenstrual syndrome in nursing students</em><em>.</em></p> 2023-11-28T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengetahuan Gizi dan Riwayat Pola Makan Ibu Hamil Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Stunting pada Balita 2024-02-26T16:02:26+07:00 Kustati Budi Lestari <p><em>Stunting is a global problem including Indonesia and a threat to developing countries related to the impact of malnutrition, malnutrition and infection on children, so this problem is urgent to be addressed. This study aims to analyze the relationship between nutritional knowledge and dietary history of pregnant women with the incidence of Stunting cases. The cross-sectional correlation design study used the purposive sampling method for as many as 53 respondents, based on the guidance of the results of height measurements 6 months earlier in the MCH book and researchers measured height and weight together with nurses/midwives during Posyandu activities in the month of data collection. The research was conducted for 1 month in the working area of the Puskesmas Tanah Tinggi Kota Tangerang. Data were collected using maternal nutrition knowledge questionnaires and dietary history of pregnant women developed by researchers with reliability results of 0.935 and 0.912. The results of the chi-square statistical test, show that low nutritional knowledge in pregnant women can trigger six times the incidence of Stunting with p: 0.002 and poor diet of pregnant women contributes seven times the incidence of Stunting with p: 0.003. Stunting is triggered by low maternal knowledge about nutrition and poor diet during pregnancy. Providing education related to nutrition for pregnant women and diet is better given before pregnancy, especially for adolescent girls or couples before marriage by utilizing adolescent posyandu.</em></p> 2023-11-28T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Critical Nurses’ Views And Experiences Of Caring Unconscious Patients: A Qualitative Study 2023-12-01T10:49:57+07:00 Leli Mulyati Ratna Sitorus Yetty Ramli Besral Besral <p><em>Nurses who care for patients in critical rooms, especially unconscious patients, feel greater pressure and burden of responsibility when caring for patients. This study further explores the nurses’ perceptions as 24-hour care providers for unconscious patients and their experiences observing patients and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; family interactions during the critical phase of unconsciousness.&nbsp; Data were collected with&nbsp; Descriptive Qualitative Research Approach through a focus group discussion process consisting of 12 critical care nurses as participants. The results show four main themes and seven subthemes, including the nurses’ responses when they first met unconscious patients, family involvement in patient care, the role of family stimulation activities, and the patient’s responses when they woke up.&nbsp; This study concludes that nurses attempt to function effectively according to the nursing process procedures, although psychologically, they experience stress when caring for unconscious patients, and active family involvement s essential to support and enhance the patient’s recovery process. Furthermore, critical nurses need to get interventions for&nbsp; solving&nbsp; their psychological problems and the need to actively involve families in the care of unconscious patients.</em></p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap dengan Keinginan Remaja terhadap Vaksinasi COVID-19 di Provinsi Gorontalo 2024-02-26T15:56:33+07:00 Dian Sari Sabira Ridha Rifani <p>Vaksinasi COVID-19 merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19. Provinsi Gorontalo merupakan wilayah dengan cakupan vaksinasi COVID-19 yang rendah pada remaja, sehingga perlu dikaji tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dengan keinginan remaja untuk membantu memaksimalkan program vaksinasi COVID-19 di kalangan remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap dengan keinginan remaja terhadap vaksinasi COVID-19 di Provinsi Gorontalo dengan menggunakan desain <em>cross sectional </em>dan metode <em>simple random sampling. </em>Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner terkait pengetahuan, sikap dan keinginan remaja terhadap vaksinasi COVID-19 yang melibatkan 444 remaja di Provinsi Gorontalo. Hasil uji <em>chi-square </em>menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap dengan keinginan remaja terhadap vaksinasi COVID-19 (p&lt; 0.05). Pemerintah perlu membuat kebijakan khusus mengenai vaksin COVID-19 ataupun vaksin lain yang berkaitan dengan remaja guna meningkatkan cakupan vaksinasi tersebut.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##